Are you in the game or watching from the sideline?

As I looked up at the sky, I thought how awesome. The light of this full moon weaving in and out of the clouds trying it’s best to shine its’ light. Then, it made me think about living through a pandemic and recent news. Sadness, distraught, disappointment, social unrest, sad and disheartening news when we look at social media, news outlets, and unfortunately for some people at times when encountering each other.

When I think back from now until March of 2020, sometimes things seem a blur. That’s not good enough. For me, there are so many blessings during the past year I can reflect on, so many and I’m thankful. However, I find myself taking inventory of what matters and even though we are in a pandemic the blur needs to he refreshed with purpose. This is our reality and how am I keeping purpose?

There are always choices; stay on the sideline or get in the game. I think at some point of the pandemic I’ve been on the sideline getting through a pandemic; going through the motions trying to stay positive. It’s time to get in the game; whether you are the quarterback, goalie, kicker or catcher how will you contribute. Making the effort to cut social media browsing, volunteering in my community, looking into giving reiki at a local organization safely and overall forward thinking. Get in the game safely of course, find your purpose, make a small change and watch it’s domino effect. Yes, sometimes I’ll be cheering from the sidelines sharing the light. Yes, live your life safely, smart during the pandemic, but for me I’m filling the blur with purpose.

Be Your Own Competitor

What is the saying, the grass isn’t always greener on the other side, water your own? It will always be greener on the other side if you are not tending to your own? I may of made that last part up, but how true if you aren’t tending to your own lawn, it will always be greener on the other side!

My Mom often told me, you can do your best, but you don’t know what the competition will be. Just work on you, that’s all you can do. True that Mom! Be your own competitor. If you constantly measure, compare and reflect on the competition you lose your focus. Be grateful for the opportunity and in her words just worry about yourself.


Hope is the ship that sails even when the rain, wind, and storm turn fierce. Hope is a guiding light, but it’s up to us to keep it lit. Find it inside yourself to believe that a delay isn’t defeat, but a redirection. Redirection has a purpose even when the purpose isn’t clear in the moment. Sail the ship even when the shore is at a distance and remember growth and empowerment come outside of your comfort zone.

Do your best, that’s it.

Thank you to all the “helpers” for all you are doing to keep people safe and healthy.

Doing your best at this point means staying home. Is it easy? No. Introverts are rejoicing. Extroverts are most likely struggling. Kids are at home, homes have turned into schools and offices. Gyms. Dance and exercise studios. All while being interrupted by Corona Conferences. We or should I say I’m on overload of constant information, all while forgetting what day it is wearing yesterday’s pajamas and last month’s nails, ok, let’s be honest. It’s not pretty.

Stop. Do the best you can. Be kind to yourself. Sometimes making it through the day matters. Work. Exercise. Pray. Meditation. Clean. Hobbies. Family and friends. Organize. Social Distance Socialize. Netflix. Eat and Drink.

Think positive, everything in moderation isn’t that what “they” say, be kind to yourself and enjoy the days as best you can. That’s it, that’s all we can and yes, stay home.